Just Fit Business








Just Fit Business     =   New IT Strategy


·        Is a new IT Strategy and industry standard, which enables companies / SMEs (Small Medium-sized Enterprises) to introduce a new IT Strategy into their organization to greatly simplify their approach to IT.


·        Is a completely new way of looking at IT, by removing IT out of the equation, and removing IT out of the decision-making process.


·        Is a new IT Strategy and industry standard, which greatly reduces your IT costs, by removing IT infrastructure and IT resource requirements out of the decision-making process.





‘New IT Strategy’ Explained:


·        What is a ‘New IT Strategy’?


o   Is a new IT Strategy and industry standard, which greatly reduces the precious time you traditionally spend on making IT decisions, by removing IT infrastructure and IT resource requirements out of the decision-making process and strictly focusing on the ‘Business Capabilities’ your organization requires to stay modern and to outperform your competitors.


o   Is a new IT Strategy and industry standard, which greatly reduces your IT costs, by removing IT infrastructure and IT resource requirements out of the decision-making process and strictly focusing on the ‘Business Capabilities’ your organization requires to stay modern and to outperform your competitors.


o   Is a new IT Strategy and industry standard, which ensures your organization is only investing in solutions that meet your exact / specific business needs.


o   Is a new IT Strategy and industry standard, that focuses on ‘Fit for Purpose’ with a ‘Just Fit’ solutions strategy, and not spending precious capital on costly solutions that do not meet your immediate business requirements and business needs.



·        How do your competitors introduce New IT Strategy into their company/ organization?


o   Just Fit Business ™

§  Modernization

§  Digitization

§  New IT Strategy

§  Business Capabilities

§  Business Management